Saturday, January 5, 2008

Knit 1 Copped Cardigan Finished!

I finished this over the summer. It is my first sweater that involved blocking and seeming together the pieces, and I am moderatly pleased with it. I have worn it once, which I guess by my standards is good. However, my sister liked it so much that I knitted her one in red for Christmas. I did a much better job blocking the second time around, so I think she will be able to get a lot of wear out of it. While it was exciting making the sweater the first time around, I was really ready be done with it the second time around. I started it in September and still did not have it finished in time for Christmas! I just could not bring myself to work on it for the longest time. I think it actually started a knitting slump, where everything else I was working on began to go wrong as well! I think I ripped out and reknit a pair of socks a dozen times. It was horrible, horrible! ; ) But now the sweater is finished and I am happy and have moved on to other things.

On the tecnical side of things, I made mine out of Lion's Brand Wool-Ease in avacado and made the smallest size. I made Maya's out of Pattons Classic Murano, and made the next size larger. Both used a skein less yarn then the pattern called for. From the pattern it seems like the side panels are not meant to be blocked, they don't give any dimensions. On the first one I knit I had to block them after the sweater was sewn to make it not bunch, but it did not work to well. I blocked them to length of the side seems before hand on the red one and it worked much better. So, if you are interested in making this sweater, block the side panels!

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